Tesla to supply new battery technology to other car manufacturers

On Tuesday, Tesla Inc.’s (TSLA.O) Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk announced that the automotive company would start to open its licensing software to supply powertrains and batteries for other car manufacturers.
“Tesla is open to licensing software and supplying powertrains & batteries. We’re just trying to accelerate sustainable energy, not crush competitors!” Musk said in a tweet.
According to Brandenburg’s Minister of Economics Jörg Steinbach, Tesla would build a new Gigafactory in Berlin to produce “completely new batteries” for cars. The company already submitted all the requirements needed for environmental approval to the local government.
“The electric car batteries that Tesla wants to produce in Grünheide are said to outshine all previous car batteries. There is a completely new technology behind the power storage. The new batteries are smaller and, thanks to their higher energy density, allow for greater range,” Jörg Steinbach said.
Tesla said that it would provide all the battery’s details in the United States at the end of September.