Stocks BankofChina (BankofChina | )
Stock quotes (BankofChina) for today
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Financial data BankofChina
BANK OF CHINA LIMITED revenues grew 4.79 % in FY 2018 as compared to FY 2017 to 523.28B. Net income grew 4.61 % to 173.30B.
Information about the company BankofChina
Bank of China Limited was founded in February 1912 and is headquartered in Beijing, China. This bank provides banking and financial services in 51 countries, including the People's Republic of China. The Bank of China is mainly focused on commercial banking, including corporate banking, personal banking and financial markets services. It operates in six segments: Personal Banking, Corporate Banking, Insurance, Treasury Operations, Investment Banking, and Other Operations. Add this instrument to your watchlist and get the latest updates on 3988.HK price movements.
Company statistics BankofChina
Sector: Financials
Industry: Banks
Employees: 305823