Trump says trade talks with China are doing well, stresses deal has to be great

“I’d like to make a deal, but it’s got to be the right deal.”
This is what U.S. President Donald Trump said in light of the ongoing negotiations between his country and China to seal a trade deal and eventually end the trade disputes between the two powerhouse countries.
“The trade talks with China are moving along, I think, very nicely and if we make the deal that we want it will be a great deal and if it’s not a great deal, I won’t make it,” Trump said.
“China very much wants to make a deal,” he furthered. “They’re having the worst year they’ve had in 57 years. Their supply chain is all broken, like an egg, they want to make a deal, perhaps they have to make a deal, I don’t know, I don’t care, that’s up to them.”
Officials of both sides bared on Thursday that the U.S. and China had concurred to cancel out tariffs as part of its Phase 1 trade deal but the Trump administration was stern about it.
“I haven’t agreed to anything,” said Trump on Friday.