Huawei must be allowed in 5G role in Italy, says Italian Industry minister

Chinese telecoms firm Huawei should have a place in Italy’s future 5G network, said the Italian industry minister on Sunday. This comment came after the influential parliamentary committee appealed to Rome to block the company.
US has attempted to influence Italy and other European allies from refraining to use Huawei products in their next generation networks. They also called on to closely monitor the rival company ZTE on the grounds that it might cause a potential security risk.
Both ZTE and Huawei have denied that there is a risk.
“We have passed legislation that guarantees national security. With the right defenses, the possibility of (Huawei’s) access is not up for debate,” said minister Stefano Patuanelli, part of the ruling 5-Star Movement.
Italy’s parliamentary security committee Copasir expressed that the government must consider preventing ZTE and Huawei from joining in the development of 5G networks.
Telecom Italia, the biggest phone group in Italy, is presently selecting suppliers in the upgrade of its network infrastructure. Huawei is among the possible contenders.
Riccardo Fraccaro, cabinet undersecretary and a 5-Star member, said that the government cannot help but acknowledge Copasir’s opinion on the matter.
However, Patuanelli said that “Huawei offers the best solutions at the best prices.”
“One cannot fly the flag of the market with one hand and that of protectionism with the other,” he added.