Germany and Qatar signed an agreement on long-term LNG supplies

Implementing its plans to reduce its dependence on energy resources from Russia, Germany has concluded an agreement with Qatar on the supply of liquefied natural gas for the long term. The volume of imported gas from the Russian Federation in the total indicator of imports to Germany during the year exceeds 50%. According to the German Ministry of Economy, the volumes of gas supplied from Qatar will be coordinated with German companies. They will also have to negotiate terms. According to the department’s estimates, this year the country will not yet be able to completely abandon gas supplies from the RF. However, the task of completely stopping them soon remains one of the main ones for the German authorities, given the rise in gas and oil prices, which intensified in connection with the invasion of Russian troops into the territory of Ukraine. To this end, the country intends to accelerate the construction of two LNG terminals, the commissioning of which will limit gas imports from Russia.