Boris Johnson vows to end Brexit uncertainty

Boris Johnson and the rest of the Conservative Party of the British government are poised to get Brexit done to finally end its uncertainty that compromised the economy. This shall be made possible once they get re-elected in December.
The election in Dec. 12 was called in a bid to halt three years of disagreement over Britain’s 2016 vote to exit the European bloc. This move has wrecked economic hazards to the British economy with investors throwing shades and stained Britain’s good standing.
Johnson will say during his speech at the CBI’s annual conference that investors and businesses wanted certainty about Brexit despite them disagreeing on the move that has been decided since 2016. To date, Brexit’s deadline has been moved thrice.
“Britain stuck in gridlock and our economy stuck in first gear. Extension to extension. Marching business up to the top of the hill, only to march them down again,” Johnson will say, according to advance extracts.
“With a Conservative majority government you can be sure we will Get Brexit Done and leave with the new deal that is already agreed – ending the uncertainty and confusion that has paralyzed our economy,” Johnson will say.